Automated calling software reporting

Automated calling software reporting

Newfies-Dialer's automated calling software has both live realtime reporting as well as cumulative reports, and many can be downloaded for further analysis.

Reports not only show the performance of the system, but also responses to surveys. In the video, we explain the different reports and performance metrics listed below:


When a campaign is first started, you can see the number of live A-Legs against each survey. The A-Leg is the call to the contact. The same screen also shows the number of calls transferred, both in realtime and cumulatively.

Admin Channels Dashboard

If, as the Newfies-Dialer administrator, you want to see what is going on for all your tenants, you can view the Channels Dashboard. Only the Administrator has access to this screen.

Automated calling dashboard

For the tenant, they have access to the Voice Campaign Dashboard, which shows the performance of each individual campaign. This shows cumulative results for the the A-Leg, the call to the contact, and the B-Leg, the call to the agent. There are also graphs for call disposition, for instance, how the call ended, how many transfers there were.

The ASR, NER and ALOC graphs show the performance of your list and carrier. High numbers are generally good, while low numbers might suggest a problem with your carrier or list.

  • ASR – Answer Seize Ratio,
  • NER – Network Effectiveness Ratio
  • ALOC – average length of call graphs

Call and costs show the number, duration and cost of calls while Key Metrics show you the distribution of calls in terms of dials, answers and voicemail.

The Reporting Menu

The Reporting Menu gives us more detailed information and allows you to download reports on which you can do further analysis.

Call Data Report

The call Data report shows a list of all the calls made, and you can filter on date, call disposition and type. There are a number of tabs providing aggregate reports.

  • The daily report shows calls made by day.
  • The Q850 report shows why calls have failed. 16 Normal clearing is how a call should end. Anything else may suggest a problem.
  • The A-Leg hourly report shows calls made by hour with other useful metrics.
  • The B-Leg report shows the same report as the A-Leg report but for the B-Leg.

The Survey Report.

The survey report is where you can view responses to your survey. The campaign must be selected, and the dates selected when the campaign took place.

The survey reports give a graphical representation of the survey results, and individual responses can be downloaded by clicking the appropriate icon. The Survey Calls shows a list of calls and the results of the full survey can be downloaded by clicking action, export to CSV. The Call Detail report summary will show calls by day where a campaign runs over several days.

The Subscriber Report.

When a campaign is started, contacts are copied into Subscribers as pending, then go through various states of In Process, Sent then Completed. Alternatively the status is set to Fail where the call does not go through. The report can be exported from the action button.

Campaign Statistics

A Campaigns performance and key metrics can be compared side by side with other campaigns. Simply select up to 3 campaigns and click search.

Recording reports

If you have a recording node in your survey, you can listen to the recordings made by your contacts here.

For more information about our automated calling software, Newfies-Dialer, explore our website or contact us for information and a demo.