Call Center Dialer with Newfies-Dialer

call-center dialer

One of the advantages of using Newfies-Dialer as your call center dialer is that there is little or no customisation or development work to be done to your existing call center phone system.

Newfies-Dialer is installed on it’s own server and can be configured to bridge calls to the call center which it can do by simply calling your call center’s telephone number, or in the case of VoIP enabled PBX, bridge the call using Voice over IP so the call from contact to agent is free of charge.

We have written an article on how to set up Newfies-Dialer and FreePBX but the principles are the same for any IP-PBX system.

You would configure a press one survey on Newfies-Dialer, upload your list of contacts, and then create a campaign with the survey or voice application configured to dial the contacts you uploaded. In the campaign you set parameters such as:

  • How many calls to make per minute
  • The caller ID to send to your contacts, this can be randomised
  • What schedule to start and stop the campaign
  • Number of times to retry a number
  • Whether to detect voicemail, and what to do when voicemail is detected

Call Center DialerImplementing Newfies-Dialer as your call center dialer is incredibly quick with the minimum of disruption and miscellaneous expense. We aim for installation on the same day or next working day. Contact us for a demo or for more details.