Ringless Voicemail

Ringless Voicemail

What is Ringless Voicemail

Ringless Voicemail is a technique of dropping a voicemail onto a prospect’s phone without making their phone ring. This is known to be a very effective marketing technique with comparatively high response rate.
Ringless voicemail is one of the latest marketing techniques in telemarketing, a pre-recorded message is dropped directly on your contact’s voicemail, where they can listen to the message at when they are free. This prompts a return call from the prospect, where you can tell them more about your product.

How to use Ringless Voicemail

Newfies-Dialer’s ringless voicemail technology ensures that the whole message is left right after the beep, and creating a campaign is easy, upload your recording, upload your contacts and finally configure and start your ringless voicemail campaign and be ready to accept calls from your contacts.

From your contact’s point of view, you have got you message over to them without disturbing their day with a call as with standard voice broadcasting, meaning that they will be more receptive to your message compared to a standard voice broadcasting message.

Ringless Voicemail Screenshot

Further Reading About Ringless Voicemail

As with any voice broadcasting operation, ringless voicemail must be used responsibly and with regard to the regulations in your area of operation, the New York Times discusses the ringless voicemail in a recent article at https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/03/business/phone-ringless-voicemail-fcc-telemarketer.html

Other Newfies-Dialer Roles

Newfies-Dialer is primarily an SMS and Voice Broadcasting system with multi-tenant and billing capabilities lending itself to voice broadcasting service providers. Newfies-Dialer is used in the following roles:-

  • Live lead generation: using “Press One” campaigns are widely viewed as very effective  marketing and sales tool.
  • Phone Polling, Surveys and Voting: Ring large numbers of people and present IVR options for either polling their opinions, interactive surveys, or taking their vote and record the results.
  • Debt Management and Control Solution: Using Newfies-Dialer as part of your debt management and collections system can help you interact with your customers, collect payments, chase debt, reduce staff head-count, or help existing staff work more efficiently.
  • Mass Emergency Broadcasting: Where there is a necessity to warn large numbers of people in a short space of time, such as weather warnings.

Please contact us for more details and a demonstration of the system.